We’re currently running a Softlayer server using a free $500 coupon for the first month which is expiring 17th Jan 2015. Therefore, we’ll like to look for sponsors who can help us cover the cost of the bare metal server.
Currently, we’re looking at a bare metal server with the following configuration:
Xeon 1270
200GB ssd
3.5ghz cpu
4 gb ram
This will cost about USD$290 giving us decent clock speed and SSD.
Hey there! We at rubytune.com have followed this project for a while and are glad to see it finally running. If you still need it, I’d like to sponsor the bare metal server. I use hetzner.de which has some pretty good deals.
Thank you all! We’ve current got a server up and running provided by @jsierles from RubyTune.com. A second one will be provided by CarbonFive once we are able to split the jobs up into different servers.
Once again thank you everyone for offering your help and I really appreciate it. We’ll still need more help with the logo and with the design of the site.