Hello everyone,
I’m the only one feels like the website doesn’t help too much. Because there is a lot of benchmarks but not an easy way to compare.
For example, if you want to compare:
- Sequel vs ActiveRecord.
- PG gem vs MySQL gem.
This type of things.
There is a plan to do something like that?
BTW: I appreciate the work you are doing. 
Hi @WaKeMaTTa,
Right now if you want to compare Active Record vs Sequel go to the following link :
- Select benchmark you want to compare in 'Benchmark Types` drop down
- Select benchmark in ‘Compare’ drop down – which is comparable to one you chose in ‘Benchmark Types’ drop down
You should see chart with trends for both benchmarks – something like this for example :
PG gem vs MySQL gem.
mysql2 gem isn’t integrated in RubyBench yet.
I’ve recently introduced pg gem on RubyBench. The main reason for this was to measure overhead in Active Record and Sequel when used with pg gem. We should probably do the same with mysql2 gem.
I’m the only one feels like the website doesn’t help too much. Because there is a lot of benchmarks but not an easy way to compare.
I definitely agree with you on this.
I want to dedicate separate page on RubyBench for comparisons – by selecting comparison groups to display. I have something like this in mind:
Similar stuff python has: Python Speed Center : Comparison