PG gem is on RubyBench

@sam @noahgibbs @robin850 @system
You can have a look at first results : RubyBench - Long Running Ruby Benchmark

I have run it for last 750 commits and it will take some time to complete…

We should probably rewrite benches we have for AR and Sequel :slight_smile: We do have only two rewritten for now…


At this moment I am thinking about having new separate page for displaying comparisons…

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Maybe use tabs to display the two scripts? That would prevent alot of vertical scrolling

Screenshot from 2017-08-21 09-11-54

I remember hiding the above previously because it isn’t meaningful for our charts.

Good work :+1:

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Sure, I’ll try some options for better displaying scripts :+1:

I remember hiding the above previously because it isn’t meaningful for our charts.


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