Hey guys,
Long time no see
At the end of this month I am about to give a talk at the BalkanRuby conf in Sofia (Speakers | Balkan Ruby).
The talk I am going to do there is about my last summer work which was my first open source contribution. It is going to be my version of how to start with an Open Source.
As part of my talk I would like to invite some new people, mostly newcomers, to try themselfs in new environment on this specific project. With that said, I would like to go in front of them with some specific tasks which are needed on the Ruby Bench.
I am looking forward to hear from you guys what changes would you like to see on the Ruby Bench. I have some in mind which I started some time ago, but didnt have enough time nor focus to accomplish.
Please share whatever is on your minds about Ruby Bench. It will be huge of a help